Membership application

By filling out the membership application below you are agreeing to the following statements.

MCHBA publishes contact information in a directory and on its website. By applying, you give permission to use and publish your contact information to distribute information to the membership.

Dues Structure 

Membership dues amount shall include (NAHB), North Carolina Home Builders Association (NCHBA) and MCHBA dues amounts as listed below: 


NAHB $198 (amount set by NAHB and is subject to change)

NCHBA $70 (amount set by NCHBA and is subject to change)

MCHBA $332.00 (amount set by MCHBA and is subject to change)


NAHB $15 (amount set by NAHB and is subject to change)

NCHBA $5 (amount set by NCHBA and is subject to change)

MCHBA $230 (amount set by MCHBA and is subject to change)

Dues that are processed with a credit card will be put on an automatic renewal. The auto payment will occur the month before their anniversary month. Credit card information will be encrypted and transmitted via a secure website connection. This process is for dues payments only and a member may stop the recurring payment at any time by calling the MCHBA office.

MCHBA publishes a directory of its membership annually. The directory includes a classified list of member businesses showing the types of goods and/or services they provide. This information is also used when anyone calls MCHBA asking for lists of contractors, subcontractors or suppliers. MCHBA provides the names of ALL members indicating they do business in the specialty requested. Failure to update/verify your contact information may result in incorrect information being published and provided about your company.

I agree to abide by MCHBA’s Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics as well as those of the North Carolina Home Builders Association (NCHBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), with whom MCHBA is affiliated.