Benefits of membership

  • Lobbying

    Lobbying to ensure the best in housing availability, quality and affordability.

  • Education

    Monthly Education for the local building community on new products, newly enacted legislation that is affecting our industry, and so much more…

  • Community Outreach

    Community Outreach via the Spring Home & Garden Expo, Annual Golf tournament that supports our local Scholarship Program, Home of the Year Competition, and more…

  • Networking Opportunities

    Networking opportunities for professionals in the home building industry in and around Moore County

  • Marketing

    Promotion of the home building industry to Moore County residents and their guests.

  • Additional Memberships

    Your membership in the MCHBA automatically gives you membership to the NCHBA and the NAHB.

  • Affiliate Savings

    NAHB has negotiated partnerships with national companies like GM, FTD, Dell, UPS, Lowe’s and others, to help you save money on new equipment your business may need, shipping, supplies and more.